
The word on HoloLens at Build.

페이지 정보

작성자 이경용 작성일16-04-06 11:09 조회2,964회 댓글0건



The first wave of devices is shipping now. If you haven’t yet applied for your Microsoft HoloLens Development Edition, join the dynamic community today and help build the future of holographic computing.
Apply now >
Check your application status >
The journey continues at Build
Microsoft HoloLens took center stage at Microsoft Build 2016. Don’t miss any of the big news.
Catch up with the on demand video of the event >
Get the SDK. Start building now.
Ready to start creating? The Microsoft HoloLens emulator is waiting for you. With documentation, forums, and development tools, you can start building apps today.
Get started >
Hundreds of apps are already available.
There are already hundreds of Universal Windows Platform apps that run on Microsoft HoloLens from Windows Store today, including apps that showcase its distinctive features.
Check them out >
From idea to reality
Galaxy Explorer Project is ready. You shared your ideas with the community, chose an app, and watched a team build it. Now get the source code on GitHub. If you have a HoloLens, you can download Galaxy Explorer Project from Windows Store for Microsoft HoloLens.
Get the code from GitHub >
Expand your horizons
Partners like Lowe's and Trimble have teamed up with HoloLens to do remarkable things for our future. Discover how the commercial world is using HoloLens to bring stories, interactions, and creations to life.
Explore the possibilities >
See Alex Kipman take the stage at TED
This year, Alex invited the audience to explore what’s possible when holograms enter the real world, and how HoloLens and holographic technology will continue our journey to create meaningful connections.
Watch the TED Talk >


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* 글을 등록하실때 꼭 필요한 경우가 아니면 개인정보를 남기지 마세요 ^^ (연락처,이메일주소,주민등록번호 등)

  코멘트 하나만 남겨 주시면 안될까요? *^^*


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